
WAVI.jl stores information relating to the solutions on fields, which are stored in the model. Fields are organised based according to the different grids (HGrid, CGrid etc – see Grids) on which quantities are stored. Note that all quantities here are set internally (i.e. they cannot be modified by the user). This page contains a full directory of the quantities defined on each of the Grids: HGrid, UGrid, VGrid, CGrid, SigmaGrid.


The following quantities are stored in the HGrid structure within Fields (accessible via<field_name>):

  • h: Ice thickness
  • b: Bed elevation
  • s: Ice surface elevation ($s = b + h$)
  • dhdt: Time rate of change of surface elevation
  • accumulation: Ice accumulation rate (postive for mass added to the surface, negative for mass removed)
  • basal_melt: Melt rate applied to the base of the ice sheet (positive for mass removed from the base, negative for mass added).
  • grounded_fraction: Grid cell grounded fraction (zero in the shelf, one in the shelf and interpolated across the grounding line, see Seroussi et al. (2014))
  • u: Depth average ice velocity in the $x$ direction.
  • v: Depth average ice velocity in the $y$ direction.
  • av_speed: Depth averaged ice speed
  • us: Surface ice velocity in the $x$ direction.
  • vs: Surface ice velocity in the $y$ direction.
  • ub: Base ice velocity in the $x$ direction.
  • vb: Base ice velocity in the $y$ direction.
  • bed_speed: Ice speed at the base
  • weertman_c: Weertman C drag cofficient
  • haf: The height above floatation
  • dsdh: Rate of change of surface elevation with respect to thickness change
  • shelf_strain_rate: Strain rate computed using only longitudinal strain components
  • β: Raw multiplicative drag coefficient
  • βeff: Effective multiplicative drag coefficient
  • τbed: Ice stress at the bed.
  • ηav: Depth averaged viscosity
  • quad_f1: $F_1$ computed from numerical quadrature
  • quad_f2: $F_2$ computed from numerical quadrature
  • mask: boolean matrix that defines the solution space

For convenience, various utility matrices and rheological operators are also stored on the HGrid:

  • crop: diagonal matrix with mask entries on the diagonal
  • samp: boolean matrix that takes full domain to the model domain
  • spread: sparse form of the sampling matrix
  • dneghηav: $-h \times \bar{\eta}$
  • dimplicit: $-\rho_i \times g \times \mathrm{d}t \times \mathrm{d}h/\mathrm{d}s$


The following quantities are stored on the UGrid structure within Fields (accessible via<field_name>):

  • nxu: Number of grid cells in x-direction in the UGrid (equals nx + 1, where nx is the number of grid cells in the x direction in the HGrid).
  • nyu: Number of grid cells in y-direction in the UGrid (equals ny, where ny is the number of grid cells in the x direction in the HGrid).
  • mask: Mask specifying model domain with respect to the UGrid.
  • n: Total number of cells in UGrid.
  • levels: Number of levels in the preconditioner
  • dwt: Wavelet matrix product at UGrid points
  • s: Ice surface elevation at UGrid points
  • h: Ice thickness at UGrid points
  • grounded_fraction: Grounded fraction at UGrid points
  • βeff: Effective sliding coefficient at UGrid points.
  • u: Ice velocities in the x-direction

For convenience, various utility matrices and rheological operators are also stored on the UGrid:

  • crop: diagonal matrix with mask entries on the diagonal
  • samp: boolean matrix that takes full domain to the model domain
  • spread: sparse form of the sampling matrix
  • cent: maps quantities from the UGrid to the HGrid
  • ∂x: matrix representation of differentiation with respect to x
  • ∂y: matrix representation of differentiation with respect to y


The following quantities are stored on the VGrid structure within Fields (accessible via model.fields.gv.<field_name>):

  • nxv: Number of grid cells in x-direction in the VGrid (equals nx, where nx is the number of grid cells in the x direction in the HGrid).
  • nyu: Number of grid cells in y-direction in the VGrid (equals ny+1, where ny is the number of grid cells in the x direction in the HGrid).
  • mask: Mask specifying model domain with respect to the VGrid.
  • n: Total number of cells in VGrid.
  • levels: Number of levels in the preconditioner
  • dwt: Wavelet matrix product at VGrid points
  • s: Ice surface elevation at VGrid points
  • h: Ice thickness at VGrid points
  • grounded_fraction: Grounded fraction at VGrid points
  • βeff: Effective sliding coefficient at VGrid points.
  • u: Ice velocities in the x-direction

For convenience, various utility matrices and rheological operators are also stored on the VGrid:

  • crop: diagonal matrix with mask entries on the diagonal
  • samp: boolean matrix that takes full domain to the model domain
  • spread: sparse form of the sampling matrix
  • cent: maps quantities from the VGrid to the HGrid
  • ∂x: matrix representation of differentiation with respect to x
  • ∂y: matrix representation of differentiation with respect to y


The following quantities are stored in the CGrid structure within Fields (accessible via model.fields.gc.<field_name>):

  • nxc: Number of grid cells in x-direction in the CGrid (equals nx-1, where nx is the number of grid cells in the x direction in the HGrid).
  • nyc: Number of grid cells in y-direction in the CGrid (equals ny-1, where ny is the number of grid cells in the x direction in the HGrid).
  • mask: Mask specifying model domain with respect to the CGrid.
  • n: Total number of cells in CGrid.

The following utility matrices are also stored on the CGrid

  • crop: diagonal matrix with mask entries on the diagonal
  • samp: boolean matrix that takes full domain to the model domain
  • spread: sparse form of the sampling matrix
  • cent: maps quantities from the CGrid to the HGrid


The following quantities are stored in the SigmaGrid structure within Fields (accessible via model.fields.g3d.<field_name>):

  • nxs: Number of grid cells in the x-direction in the SigmaGrid (equals nx, where nx is the number of grid cells in the x direction in the HGrid)
  • nvs: Number of grid cells in the y-direction in the SigmaGrid (equals ny, where ny is the number of grid cells in the x direction in the HGrid)
  • nxs: Number of levels in the vertical in the SigmaGrid
  • σ: Dimensionless levels in the vertical
  • ζ: Reverse dimensionless vertical levels
  • quadrature_weights: weights associated with sigma levels, used in computation of integrals over thickness
  • η: three dimensional viscosity field
  • θ: three dimensional temperature field
  • Φ: three dimensional damage field
  • glen_b: three dimensional field of glen_b values in viscosity calcluations