Output Writing

Parameters relating to writing solution data are stored in an OutputParams structure. Data is output as individual files at a user-specified interval, and may be zipped to a single file once the simulation has completed.

The key parameters, which are passed via keyword arguments in the OutputParams constructor, are as follows:

  • outputs: a named tuple that points to data fields to be output. Variable names used in the output are those specified in the named tuple. For example, to set the outputs to be the ice sheet thickness, named h, and the ice sheet surface elevation, named s, we would first instantiate a Model (here named model) and set outputs = (h = model.fields.gh.h, s = model.fields.gh.s).

If only outputting a single field, you must include a comma so that Julia interprets it as a named tuple, e.g. outputs = (h = model.fields.gh.h,).


Variables named x, y, and TIME are reserved for the spatial and temporal dimensions and are therefore not permitted as variable names.

  • output_freq: the model time frequency with which the simulation is output. Note that WAVI works with the number of timesteps per output, calculated as floor(output_freq/dt) where dt is the simulation timestep. If output_freq is not an integer multiple of dt, this will introduce differences in the actual output frequency, and that specified by the user.

  • output_format specifies the file format that the solution are to be saved in. Currently only .jld2 and .mat file formats are supported.

  • prefix specifies the prefix of solution files. Output files are saved as <prefix>_xxxxxxxxxx.jld where xxxxxxxxxx is the timestep number at which this solution was outputted, prepended with zeros to be ten digits in length.

  • output_path specifies the path (relative or absolute) into which the solution is outputted. Note that if the specified path does not exist, outputs will be written to the local directory.

  • zip_format specifies the format that solution files are zipped into. Currently WAVI.jl only supports zipping to an nc format.

  • dump_vel is a shortcut to dump the velocity at the end of a simulation. This is an experimental feature, necessary for coupling WAVI to the MITgcm (see the MITgcm coupling tab).

    outputs = (),
    output_freq = Inf, 
    output_format = "jld2",
    prefix = "outfile", 
    output_path = "./",
    dump_vel = false,
    zip_format = "none",
    output_start = false)

Construct a WAVI.jl output parameters object.

Keyword arguments

- `outputs`:  a tuple of entries defining names and quantities to be outputted
- `output_freq`: quantity specifying hwo frequently to produce output 
- `output_format`: specify output format (currently only .mat and .jld2 outputs are supported, selected with 'mat' or 'jld2' options)
- `prefix`: prefix to be prepended onto file names
- `output_path`: path on which to output filese
- `dump_vel`: flag to toggle whether or not dumping the velocity after the final timestep (used in mitgcm coupling)
- `zip_format`: specify whether or not to zip the output, and the format (currently only '.nc' output supported, use flag 'nc')
- `output_start`: flag to specify whether to output at the zeroth time step