Initial Conditions

Information on the initial state of a model is stored in an InitialConditions object. The following table summarizes the quantities which can be initialized in WAVI.jl. Each of these is set by passing an appropriately sized array to keyword argument in the constructor of (instance of an) InitialConditions object. Here nx and ny are the number of grid cells in the x and y directions, respectively, and is the number of levels in the vertical. None of the keywords arguments listed below are necessary in constructing an InitialConditions object. (Indeed, it is not necessary to pass an InitialConditions object to a Model at all.) Quantities not specified will default to the scalar values defualt_xxxxx (which are stored in a Params object) listed below, applied everywhere.

Keyword ArgumentDescriptionArray SizeDefault value
initial_thicknessIce thickness at time $t = 0$nx x nydefault_thickness
initial_viscosityThree dimensional ice viscosity at time $t = 0$nx x ny x default_viscosity
initial_temperatureThree dimensional ice temperature at time $t = 0$nx x ny x default_temperature
initial_damageThree dimensional ice damage at time $t = 0$nx x ny x default_damage

For example, to set the ice thickness and temperature to 500m and 265K, respectively, everywhere, we would define the following initial conditions object:

initial_conditions = InitialConditions(initial_thickness = 500.0 .* ones(nx,ny), 
                                       initial_temperature = 265.0 * ones(nx,ny,nσ))

We would then pass this to the constructor of a model:

model = Model(..., initial_conditions = initial_conditions)

In this model, the (unset) damage and viscosity would take the values params.default_damage and params.default_viscosity everywhere, respectively.