
A Params object is a WAVI.jl object that stores parameters related to physical parameters involved in the problem. The following table summarises these parameters:

Keyword ArgumentDescriptionDefault Value
gGravitional acceleration9.81 m/s^2
density_iceIce density918.0 kg/m^3
density_oceanOcean density1028.0 kg/m^3
gas_constGas constant used in Arrhenius relation in determining Glen flow parameter8.314
sec_per_yearSeconds per year3.16e7 s
default_thicknessDefault ice thickness choice, value set everywhere if ice thickness is not set100 m
default_viscosityDefault ice viscosity choice, value set everywhere if ice thickness is not set1e7 Pa a^{1/3}
default_temperatureDefault ice temperature choice, value set everywhere if ice thickness is not set265.7 K
default_damageDefault dimensionless ice damage choice, value set everywhere if ice thickness is not set0
accumulation_rateAccumulation rate. Can be a scalar (same value everywhere), or an array of the same size as the numerical grid.0.3 m/a
glen_a_activation_energyActivation energy used in Glen flow law5.8631e4 J
glen_a_refReference value used in Glen flow law1.5453e-17
glen_temperature_refReference temperature used in Glen flow law263.15 K
glen_nExponent in Glen flow law3
glen_reg_strain_rateStrain rate regularization value, sets a lower bound on the strain rate1e-5
weertman_cSliding coefficient in Weertman sliding law. Can be a scalar (same value everywhere), or an array of the same size as the numerical grid.1e4 Pa a^{1/3}/m^{1/3}
weertman_mExponent in Weertman sliding law3
weertman_reg_speedMinimum basal sliding speed1e-5 m/a
sea_level_wrt_geoidReference sea level0 m
minimum_thicknessMinimum ice thickness (on grid points in ice domain)50 m

Params(; <kwargs>)

Construct a WAVI.jl parameters object for holding physical parameters.

Keyword arguments

  • 'dt': model timestep (NB: simulation timestep set in timestepping params, this value is updated when model embedded to the value specified in timestepping_params when passed to simulation)
  • 'g': gravitational acceleration (m^2 / s)
  • 'density_ice': ice density (kg / m^3)
  • 'density_ocean' ocean water density (kg / m^3)
  • 'gas_const': gas constant in glen b calculation
  • 'secperyear': seconds per year (s)
  • 'default_thickness': thickness value reverted to if no initial thickness passed (m)
  • 'default_viscosity': viscosity value reverted to if no initial thickness passed (Pa s)
  • 'default_temperature': temperature value reverted to if no initial thickness passed (K)
  • 'default_damage': damage value reverted to if no initial thickness passed (dimensionless)
  • 'accumulationrate': uniform accumulationrate (m/yr)
  • 'glenaactivation_energy': activation energy in glen b calculation
  • 'glenaref': array of glen a reference values used in glen b calculation
  • 'glentemperatureref': reference temperature using in glen b calculation
  • 'glen_n': exponent in glen b calculation
  • 'glenregstrain_rate': strain rate regularization value
  • 'weertman_c': basal sliding field of coefficients
  • 'weertman_m': sliding law exponent
  • 'weertmanregspeed': regularization speed, used to prevent bed speed going to zero
  • 'sealevelwrt_geoid': reference sea level
  • 'minimum_thickness': minimum ice thickness on model domain
  • 'evolveShelves': flag for turning on and off the evolution of the shelves in the forward run_simulation
  • 'smallHAF': small value of HAF used within update_thickness when not evolving shelves